
Machine facilities have finite service life. Space utilization is improved by technological innovation.Energy saving is mandatory.→The timing for renewal is now.

DAIKO has been aiming to become an expert in a filed ranging from design to maintenance of elevators, escalators and multistory parking systems and gained a lot of actual results since its foundation in 1958.
We have fully experienced in not only supplying parts but also renovations.

Please consult us first if you plan renovations.!!

DAIKO is also the offices of registered architects registered which can correspond to customers' needs such as partial renewals and entire renewals, and experienced engineering staffs as professionals in building equipment are standing by to realize customers' needs in a short period of time.

■Advantage of renewal

(An example on how to change the elevator with machine room with with the machine room less)
Renewal Items Before Renewal Hydraulic Rope Type Hydraulic
After Renewal Rope Type Rope Type Hydraulic
Energy Saving Electric Equipment Contract Capacity Reduced ×
Improvement of Confortability of Riding Control of Annoying Sound and Noise, Speed Feeling
Reduction of Running Cost Power Consumption saving
No Need for Hydraulic Oil ×
Improvement of Building Image Changed to Novel Entrance Design
Total Renewal of Cage Inside Design
Enlargement of Use Space *Make Cage Dimension Bigger
Machinery Room Space is Converted to Other Purpose
Up of Transportation Ability Motion Speed Gains Speed
Improvement of Safety Management Remote Monitoring System is Added
Enlargement of Monitoring Content
◎Very Effective ○Effective △A Little Effective ×No Effect ―N/A

*It is possible to increase dimensions of cage rooms only when the hoistway has room for.

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